Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Patriot Act with Colleges

Is the United States government kidding me? I feel that it is a joke that the US government is spying on colleges. There is no reason for colleges to have to give out students directories, medical history or complications, and family financials to the government. Also why does it matter to the US what major a student is studying.This is an absolute outrage. The libraries have to give the FBI records of what the individual ask taken out or what they looked up online. So I am guessing if a student is doing research or how easy it was to make a bomb for terrorist, that student becomes a threat to the nation? No, he is just simply doing work for class, but this work may lead for him to geting arrested, especially if he is of Arab or Muslim decent.
It is also an outrage that the Colleges may restrict protest/rallies. They also can restrict what we learn or write about. The government views these aspects as threatening to our nations safety. So lets take away some of our bill of right to protect ourselves, I don't think so. Immigrants even have it worse, if they are Arab or Muslim they are likely to get arrested once they enter the nation. Isn't the nation supposed to be the land of the free.
A student may be in class not knowing that a FBI or CIA operative is in their room destroying personal things inorder to find some evidence of terroism. Are you serious? It is the students property and the government has no right. I believe the public should speak up, but one person can not start this, a group of people have to join together, and hopefully get the whole student body across the nation, to stand up to this nonsense.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Brave New World

This author really worries me on how a nation might change with the new medical advances today. If a new dictator came and really wanted a powerful race they may take this oppurtunitty. For someone to controll human reproduction and having the government take the children scares me. What happens if the government feels the child is inadaquet to the success of the nation.

I feel that if a nation or leader gets too caught up in the thought of a perfect society, they might take these extreme measures to do so. Which is very fightning, but I feel that the public would revolt instantly.

V for Vendetta

This movie opens my mind to what the future may hold each and everytime I watch it. Yes not one person will single handingly save a country by his sword mastery, but the movie can open the eyes of the public, if they are smart enough, to realize the path a country may lead them. I do not believe the US will drug their youth inorder for a person to take charge and have asolute control of the nation.

I do believe that aspects of the movie does occur today. For example the gorvenment was taping and listening to every conversation around the city listening if anyone is against the government, or breaking one of the many laws. I see this today in the patriot act where the government is looking into people emails, phone calls, what people are searching in the library inorder to get a hint of a terrorist attack. But spying on the general public and not allowing civilians the right to privacy I believe is ridiculous.

Also I saw how Bush used fear tactics just like the leader in V for Vendetta inorder to get their way. There was no evidence for nuclear weapons, and Iraq had no threat to us, but Bush was able to use fear from 9/11 inorder to maybe try and finish off what his father started. The leader in V used the same tactics in order to get his power by spreading a virus and being the only one to have a cure.

I believe the public has to open their eyes and realize where a government may be wrong, and they should stand up for their right, but not alone. They would have to stand up for their rights together, united as one.