Friday, September 19, 2008

Thomas Hobbes political ideas

Thomas Hobbes has many great ideas on how a government should be ran. If you look at our government, you can see many of Hobbes ideas, such as the sovereigns 9th right which is the right to start a war or create a treaty. Another example of he ideas being seen in our present day government is that the majority rules, which is the sovereigns 3rd right. In the United States if the majority votes for democratic so that they controll senate, the house, and president, then we all have to follow their disciplines, and the same can be said for republicans. Also like the United States government and many others throughout the world, the leader decides the rights, and laws that people have to foolow (sovereigns 7th right). These ideas were used to try and make the people less worried about the hassels of the government by having someone they elected as their sovereign.
Eventhough Hobbes has many great ideas on how to run a government, there are some major flaws. If the sovereign turns out to be corrupt there is no way that the people could overthrow him, as stated in the 4th and 5th right of sovereign. The people may not kill the sovereign or be overthrown. This idea of a government would not work for these reasons, because the leader of society should fear the people of being overthrown, so that he or she works for the betterment of society.

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